Time/Place:Tues 1:40PM-4:20PM DWIR 121
Final Exam:Tues 17th Dec 12:40PM – 2:40PM (see here).
Contact: Office Hours:(i) Mon., 10:00AM-1:00PM, or (ii) set up a more convenient time for you.
EAS 188, 719.255.3149
Text: Business Law 11th edition Author: Henry R Cheeseman
Print ISBN-13: 9780136828075
Print ISBN-10: 0136828078
IMPORTANT: No computers are allowed for examinations or quizzes. Do not purchase MyLab from Pearson.
Email rlewis5[at]uccs.edu
Business and Intellectual Property Law is a course that is specifically designed for UCCS Bachelor of Innovation students. This course provides the legal resources the BI students will need as they transform their intellectual innovative ideas, through tech transfer, into established businesses.
Overview of the structure of the course, its protocols and grading system.
Resources on topics that may be referenced in lectures where students can drill down deeper.