Course Description

The principal goals of this course are: 1) to learn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming, 2) to gain skill and proficiency in using the C++ programming language, 3) to exercise the C++ language in implementing a moderate sized software system designed with objects. Prereq., CS 2060, CS 2080; Engineering majors only. Workload: I expect students to devote an average of 6-7 hours per week outside of class on work for this class. Some of that work will be in teams.

Student Contact

NOTE: Assignments will be handed out in class and will not be posted– attend class to keep up on coursework. The course website is located at . It is YOUR responsibility to attend every class and keep up on coursework. If you miss a class make sure you have a classmate that will provide you with classnotes and hwk assignments.

Grading Policys

Final course grades will be determined based on the following approximate percentages:

    Homework: 40%

    In-class: 10%

    Midterm Exam: 20%

    Final Exam: 30%

Makeup Exams

No makeup exams or quizzes will be given. If the student is unable to take an exam due to extreme circumstances, the student may, at the instructor's discretion, take the exam early. In addition, on-time completion of assignments will be critical to the student’s success in the class; therefore, late assignments will not be accepted. However, each student has two ‘free’ undone/late assignments that will not be counted towards the grade.


Students are expected to come to class on time, prepared to participate, and to read the assigned material before class. Cell phone and laptop misuse (other than note taking), or other disruptive behavior will not be permitted. Class notes should be obtained from another student if a class is missed. Some important material covered in the lectures will not be contained in the text, and selected material from the text will be augmented and emphasized in the lectures. Roll will be taken occasionally.

Late Drops, Incompletes:

A drop after the normal deadline date is allowed by the college very rarely and will be approved only if there is documented evidence that the student was prevented from attending a significant number of classes by circumstances clearly beyond his/her control (e.g., illness). If the instructor approves the drop, the Computer Science Department Chairman and the EAS Dean have final authority in carrying out the EAS college policy and granting approval. A grade of ‘Incomplete’ is rare and allowed only when the student has already completed the majority of the course work completed but has insurmountable problems with completing a small part of it due to circumstances clearly beyond their control. An ‘Incomplete’ is not justified in the case of a student who has simply chosen not to do the work on time.


In the event of a class cancellation on an exam or assignment due date, students should assume that the exam will be taken, or the assignment will be submitted the following regular class time.


Lost data or failed computers are not valid excuses for late assignments. The lab computers are provided as a resource and are always an alternative to your own personal computer usage. Always back up all program materials to a portable storage device to prevent loss. Save data frequently, and under different names so you have multiple copies. Don’t risk los ing hours of work when (not ‘if’) a hard drive fails, or the computer crashes. Ask yourself: How much work am I willing to lose and have to redo, and how much time will I have to do it all again?